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Publié par Guillemette Faure le Mercredi 1 Février 2006, 08:02 dans la rubrique Bric à brac - Version imprimable

Source : Technorati

Al Gore n’avait pas compris que Bill Clinton était populaire. En 2000, il avait préféré faire campagne en tenant le président à distance. George W. Bush a plus de nez. Au plus bas dans les sondages, il s’est découvert un nouveau frère.

Dans le Washington Times ce matin :

President Bush says Bill Clinton has become so close to his father that the Democratic former president is like a member of the family.     Former President George Bush has worked with Mr. Clinton to raise money for victims of the Asian tsunami and the hurricane disaster along the Gulf Coast. about his father and Mr. Clinton, Mr. Bush quipped, "My new brother." "That's a good relationship. It's a fun relationship to watch," Mr. Bush said in an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.(…)  "Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton," he said, referring to how Bill Clinton had followed his father, and Hillary Clinton could follow him."

Et ce soir, dans le discours de l’Union : « This year, the first of about 78 million Baby Boomers turn 60, including two of my Dad's favorite people - me, and President Bill Clinton.”

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