Bloggeuses !


Ce blog regroupe les articles publiées par des bloggeuses. Inscrivez-vous pour pouvoir ajouter des weblogs à la liste des weblogs tenus par des femmes qui ne sont pas des suivi de vie/journaux intimes.

Et de quoi parle ton weblog ?

Publié par Mouche le Mercredi 15 Novembre 2006, 20:29 dans la rubrique Bric à brac - Version imprimable

Source : Technorati

Anyone who s been blogging for ages will confirm that although at thefirst British Blogmeet (we called ourselves GBlogs, then) in June 2000,you could fit us all around a very small table in a pub in Kings Cross,these days blogging is far too popular and enormous not to havefragmented into smaller groups, cliques and frankly, bunches offriends. The newer generation of bloggers may not know me, or careabout whatever influence I may have had on blogging in the UK in thepast - but then, I don t know them, either. You can count the blogs Iregularly read on one hand. OK, maybe two, if you include all thesecret ones.

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