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De l’avenir des jurons québécois

Publié par [moi] le Lundi 10 Octobre 2011, 22:13 dans la rubrique Bric à brac - Version imprimable

Source : Technorati

When francophone Quebecers whack a thumb with a hammer or get cut off in traffic, the curses that spew forth are overwhelmingly drawn from objects found in the Catholic Church: ostie, tabarnak, ciboire, câlice, criss! But a new book by a Montreal theology professor and an exhibition at a religion museum raise a Technorati: How long can the distinctively Québécois swear words survive in a secular age? At the Musée des religions du Technorati (Museum of World Religions) in Nicolet, about 110 kilometres northeast of Montreal, Jean-Francois-Royal is regularly struck by the widening gulf between Quebecers and their Catholic heritage. « We are at the point where we have a generation of students who ask, ‘Who is the guy on the cross?’  » Mr. Royal, the museum’s director, said. (« Pardon this French » , Graeme Hamilton, National Post)

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