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De la vérité sur la monogamie

Publié par [moi] le Dimanche 11 Septembre 2011, 15:22 dans la rubrique Bric à brac - Version imprimable

Source : Technorati

It is, of course, perfectly normal for people who’ve made monogamous commitments to want to have outside sexual relationships. It’s perfectly normal to daydream about fucking other people, to masturbate to thoughts of fucking other people, to check out other people who you would be fucking if you weren’t in a monogamous relationship, and they wanted to fuck you. And it’s perfectly ridiculous the way people make themselves miserable scrutinizing their partners for evidence that they want to fuck other people. (Jealous types, please note: Your partner sometimes thinks about fucking other people, just like you sometimes think about fucking other people. [...]) (« Cheating pieces » , Dan Savage, Savage Love)

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