Ce blog regroupe les articles publiées par des bloggeuses. Inscrivez-vous pour pouvoir ajouter des weblogs à la liste des weblogs tenus par des femmes qui ne sont pas des suivi de vie/journaux intimes.Writting on line
Source : L'oeil de Mouche
I'm an adult. I've made a conscious choice to share so much of my life on the Internet.To share a simple story about an adult friend who wouldn't mind is no big deal. To share a story with no personally identifiable info is generally okay too. But to share a story about someone that could have consequences for them, and to make it personally identifiable and essentially permanent? I don't feel I'm entitled to make that kind of call. To do so would be unfair.If you've been reading my content for a long time, you may think you know a lot about me, and you certainly do, but I hope you can accept that you don't have the complete picture. If your only interaction with me is through the Internet
, then you never will. Your overall impression of me will be unnaturally lopsided because some aspects of my life won't receive any meaningful expression through this medium. That's a consequence of expressing myself in this...