Ce blog regroupe les articles publiées par des bloggeuses. Inscrivez-vous pour pouvoir ajouter des weblogs à la liste des weblogs tenus par des femmes qui ne sont pas des suivi de vie/journaux intimes.The 5-things meme - Five things you probably don’t know about me
Source : Prismes et planches
I wonder why Jonas tagged only women in this game? Well, no harm done (so far). Here is my contribution to one of the latest memes that travel the blogosphere, the “5-things meme - Five things you probably don’t know about me”:
One year ago, I did not know what a meme was. I discovered the concept during LIFT 06 conference, uttered in a speech by Swiss writer and thinker Bruno Giussani. I hate don’t like much chainletters and follow-me-games, for mainly two reasons. They make me feel constrained and forced to answer, which is totally at the opposite of my free-minded character. Plus, the questions usually tend to ask to reveal intimate stuff, which I’m not especially keen on doing on my blog(ah? you already noticed?) So why do I do this one? Well, because I wanna make friends with Jonas I think. And indeed, I also like the feeling of being part of the big world wide web (the “me too, I want to play” syndrome). For once. OK, you’ve got me. I’ll tell you one: some weeks ago I bought a bottle of perfume I had no use for. Just to get the free 12-inch brown teddybear that was offered along with the purchase. And my new furry friend is sitting right next to me while I’m writing this post.
I’m now tagging people I’ve enjoyed meeting - or getting to know better - through the blogosphere: Fredoche who won’t like at all my writing this stuff in English (dé-fen-dons! la! langue fran-çaise!) and will hopefully carry on the thing in French, Bruno cos’ I’ve mentioned him earlier, Dave in hope that one day he’ll invite me to dinner, Christie who, if she accepts to play, will surely write us some literary jewel, and Ollie who always has interesting things to say. ** (FR: La faute à ce billet rédigé dans mon anglais de cuisine? C’est Jonas qui m’a lancé un défi, dévoiler 5 choses que vous ne savez probablement pas à mon sujet. C’est une chaîne qui traverse la blogosphère depuis quelques semaines, ce que l’on appelle un “mème“, soit une unité cognitive échangeable, élément constituant de toute culture(sic). Je joue le jeu et passe le relais à 5 blogueurs que j’apprécie.) technorati tags: 5things 5thingsmeme 5thingsyoudon’tknowaboutme