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Vidéo : quand des photos reconstruisent un monde en 3D (Photosynth)

Publié par Natacha QS le Lundi 9 Juillet 2007, 23:08 dans la rubrique Bric à brac - Version imprimable

Source : Technorati

Using photos of oft-snapped subjects (like Notre Dame) scraped from around the Web, Photosynth creates breathtaking multidimensional spaces with zoom and navigation features that outstrip all expectation. Its architect, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, shows it off in this standing-ovation demo. Curious about that speck in corner? Dive into a freefall and watch as the speck becomes a gargoyle. With an unpleasant grimace. And an ant-sized chip in its lower left molar. “Perhaps the most amazing demo I’ve seen this year,” wrote Ethan Zuckerman, after TED2007. Indeed, Photosynth might utterly transform the way we manipulate and experience digital images

Tags Technorati : 3D, photos, Photosynth3D, photos, Photosynth

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